JS Basic Datatypes - String
Download (.odt) Download (Markdown)A series of characters inside quotation marks, apostrophes or backticks.
Escape characters inside a string
[hook]If you want to contain a character inside a string which indicates the start and end of string you have to escape that character to consider it as a regular character.
Let's fix it by adding backslashes before the inner quotation marks.
It works the same way with apostrophes and backticks.
Add line break (\n)
[hook]With + operator:
With expression inside string (only works with strings indicated with backtick!):
With concat() method:
Get length of string (counting from 1)
Get a character at a specific index (counting from 0)
[hook]Treat it like an array:
Use charAt() method:
Use at() method (also supports negative indexing):
Get all characters from start index to end index
[hook]Use subtring() method:
Use slice() method (also supports negative indexing):
Check if string includes another string
Check if string starts with another string
Check if string ends with another string
Get starting index of first occurrence of a search term
Get starting index of last occurrence of a search term
Create modified version of a string by replacing a piece of text
[hook]Replace only the first occurrence using replace() method:
Replace all occurrences using replaceAll() method:
Create a new array from a string splitted by a pattern (string or regex)
For array operations, check out the Arrays cheatsheet.
Create uppercase version of a string
Create lowercase version of a string
Create new string from original without whitespaces at the start and end